Central Bingham Conservation District

Central Bingham Conservation District

Spruce Trees

Bareroot Trees & Shrubs

 Fruit Trees

Potted Trees

725 Jensen Grove Dr, Suite 3
Blackfoot, ID 83221
Office: (208) 690-3525


Rocky Mt. Juniper
Grows 20-30 ft high with a medium to rapid growth rate. Drought tolerant but grows well on a wide range of soils. Forms a very dense symmetrical crown and changes color in winter from shades of gray to purple gray. Zone 3

Thornless Honeylocust
Grows to 40-60' high and 40-60' wide. Zone 4. An attractive shade tree green in color with a fine texture. Prefers a good fertile loam soil with ample moisture. Adaptable to a wide range of soils and environmental conditions with full sun.

Colorado Green Spruce
Up to 60’ zone 3. Prefers dry soil and is a hardy tree tolerant of many growing conditions

Norway Spruce
Quickly reaches 80 feet in height by 40 feet in spread with its medium to rapid growth rate, and adapts to a variety of harsh soil and sparse moisture conditions

Rugosa Rose
Grows 4 to 6 feet tall. Has deep purple to pink to white flowers up to 3 inches in diameter. May flower the same year as planted. Zone 2

Lilac Late
Dense shrub up to 9’. Zone 2. Very hardy. Blooms later than other lilacs. Flowers very light rosy-lilac to white

Siberian Pea
Grows to 18’ high. Bright yellow May flowers. Drought tolerant and is an excellent screen or windbreak. Zone 2

Silver Buffaloberry
Large shrub or small tree which grows up to 16 feet. The branches are spine tipped

Quaking Aspen
50’ Zone 2. A beautiful, fast growing native tree that is extremely cold hardy. Green, heart-shaped leaves flutter in the slightest breeze. Brilliant yellow, rarely red fall color

Blue Leaf Honeysuckle
Hardy to Zone 3. It prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade. Soil should be sandy or clay loam. Blueleaf has dry to moderate water needs and is drought tolerant once established. Grows to a height of 12ft.

Golden Willow
Fast-growing, deciduous shrub or tree can grow to a mature height of 23 to 36 ft, with a spread of 30 ft. It has an annual growth rate of 1.5 to 3.5 ft, and a useful lifespan of 25 to 60 years

Chokecherry (Schubert) Red Leaf
Same as chokecherry but with purple leaf color. Zone 2

Colorado Blue Spruce
Up to 60’ zone 3. Prefers dry soil and is a hardy tree tolerant of many growing conditions

Lilac Common (Purple)
Shrub 12-20ft high, zone 3. Fragrant lilac colored blossoms in May. Attractive green foliage. Makes a good screen

Cottonless Cottonwood. Fast growing 40 to 60’. Zone 4. Seedless hybrid that does well in dry conditions

Red Flowering Current
Red flower clusters on 6 to 8 ft shrubs in spring, followed by blue to black berries in fall that are inedible. Leaves are maple like and turn yellow in autumn. Zone 4

The below trees and shrubs we offer this year are depicted on our present order form.
We may have any of the pictured trees and shrubs available at various times but seldom offer all in any given year.

Maple Tatarian
30’ tall, zone 4. Shrub or small tree that is tolerant of dry conditions. Red to yellow autumn color

50-100ft tall. Zone 2. Related to elm, deep rooted. Withstands heat, wind, and much drought. Has a spreading crown with red-orange fruit

Nanking Cherry
9-10’, zone 2. Very hardy, attractive, flowering ornamental; windbreak filler; fruit used for jam and jelly

Scotch Pine
Rapid growth rate reaching mature heights of 40 to 70 ft. Zone 3. Orange-brown pealing bark. Long needles

Red-osier Dogwood
Common Idaho shrub that grows 6 to 15 ft tall. Has clusters of small white flowers in spring and brilliant red foliage in fall. Shall whitish berries are eaten by birds and small animals. Zone 2

Golden Current
Idaho native shrub. Height 8-15 Ft. Zone 2. Yellow Flowers in early spring, edible fruit, and drought tolerant

Blue Artic Willow
Grows into a very dense mound making it a superb living snow fence or hedge. Moderate growth with a mature height of 10 to 15 ft. Zone 3

Shrub ranging from 2 to 8 feet in height; spread is often much greater than its height. Small white to creamy yellow flowers in a terminal spike-like cluster, appear in late spring

Lilac Peking (White)
15-20’ tall. A small tree lilac with creamy-white flowers densely crowded in large panicles. Golden bark that at time exfoliates in rich brown flakes. Zone 3

Peking Cotoneaster
Height to 10 ft, zone 3. Glossy dark green leaves with rose white flowers in clusters followed by black fruit persisting into winter

6-9 ft tall. Dense spreading shrub, that has dark green leaves with purple beneath. Spring to summer flowers are white to yellow with dark red fruit. Zone 4

Trees & Shrubs

Western Syringa
Also known as Mockorange. Idaho native and the state flower that grows 6 to 20 feet tall. Drought tolerant. Zone 4

Chokecherry (Green Leaf)
Very hardy large shrub or small tree, fast growing to 10 to 25 ft high. Idaho native. Has white flower clusters that produce dark purple fruit that are good for jelly and pies. Zone 2

Green Ash
Very hardy. Vigorous, well shaped, excellent for dense shade

Austrian Pine
Up to 40’ zone 3. Dense stout pyramidal growth habit with a uniform crown. Needles are stiff, dark green. Very hardy. Adaptable to winter cold and wind. Fast growing, up to 18-24 “ a year once established. Long needles 

Also knows as Juneberry. Is a shrub to small tree growing to about 20 ft high. Has purple edible fruit. New foliage is purplish with red fall color. Zone 2

Grows up to 10 feet tall. Flowers are yellow and bloom in June and July

Lilac (Hungarian)
Grows to 4m. It is hardy to zone 5. It is in flower in June. Prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and requires well-drained soil. It cannot grow in the shade. It requires moist soil

Wood Rose
Up to 5’, zone 3. Flowers light pink to deep red. Small leaves. Native to northwestern sates. Hardy and drought tolerant

American Plum
Large shrub or small tree (20 to 30 ft tall) best suited to moist soils. Rapid growth with wide-spreading branches. Fruit can be used for jams, jellies, and pies. Zone 4